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We wish to inform you that your personal data, received when registering or booking, will be used by Scala dei Turchi Resort & SPA, in full compliance with fundamental values, established by the legislative decree n° 196 of 30 June 2003 Code regarding the protection of personal data.

Personal data processing operations and relative objectives

Here is a list of all the operations made by us which implicate the collection, conservation or processing of your personal data, and the objectives we pursue with each of them:

or the collection and conservation of your personal data for the purpose of supplying a booking/purchasing service
or for using your data for marketing and promotional purposes

Freedom of giving your consent and the consequences of a refusal

The provision of consent to personal data processing is necessary. In case of refusal of providing your consent it will not be possible to supply you with the services indicated at the previous point.
In case of refusing your consent there will be no consequences.

Subjects to whom the data may be communicated

The data will be communicated to:Scala dei Turchi Resort

with registered office in: Strada pronviciale 68, Realmonte, 92010

and to potential representatives nominated by the Data Processor (section.29 of the Lgs. D. 196/03)
the rights of which according to Section 7 of the Lgs. D. 196/03

you have the right to update, amend, and cancel your details.

Data controller and processor

The Data controller is:
Scala dei Turchi Resort & SPA
Strada pronviciale 68, Realmonte, 92010

Any potential appeals according to section 7 of the Lgs. D. 196/03 must be addressed to:
Scala dei Turchi Resort & SPA